“ P(a-et)CO2
If PaCO2 and PetCO2 are known, the gradient can be calculated. Normally, the gradient is less than 5 mm Hg; however, it can be increased with deadspace disease such as pulmonary embolism or decreased cardiac output.674 The presence of increased deadspace may also have some significance as a prognostic indicator in surgical patients, although further research is needed to confirm this.681 Interestingly, P(a-et)CO2 measured after forced exhalation seems to be best for evaluation of acute pulmonary embolism,679 although this is not always practical in the clinic.
Occasionally, PetCO2 may actually be higher than PaCO2. The reasons for this are unclear but are most likely due to emptying of low V/Q units with long time constants at the end of expiration.
674. AARC Clinical Practice Guideline. Capnography/ capnometry during mechanical ventilation (2003 update). Respir. Care, 48:534-539, 2003.
679. Hatle, L., and Rokseth, R.: The arterial to end- expiratory carbon dioxide gradient in acute pulmonary embolism and other cardiopulmonary diseases. Chest, 66:352-357,1974.
681. Domsky, M., Wilson, R. F., and Heins, J.: Intraoperative end-tidal carbon dioxide values and derived calculations correlated with outcome: Prognosis and capnography. Crit. Care Med., 23:1497-1503, 1995. ”1
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