平日 9:00~12:00




「肺伸展受容体(Pulmonary stretch receptors)


これら受容体を刺激することによってえられる主な反射効果は、呼気時間の延長させることによって生じる呼吸数の減少である。これは、Hering-Breuer膨張反射として知られている。これはウサギを用いて、横隔膜の筋の一片から記録をうるようにして、他の呼吸筋からの影響を除外することによって明らかに証明することができる。古典的実験で、肺の膨張はそれ以上の吸気筋活性を抑制する傾向があることが知られていた。しかし、その逆の反応もみられ、すなわち、肺の縮小は吸気活動を惹起する傾向がある(縮小反射)。このように、これら反射は、自己調節機構ないしnegative feedbackを提供しうる。





現在では肺を膨らませたとき吸息の抑制をきたす拡張反射inflation reflexと、逆に空気を抜いて肺を縮めたとき吸息の促進をきたす縮小反射deflation reflexとは別の反射と考えられている。しかし両者とも求心系は迷走神経を通るので、迷走神経を切ると吸息相も呼息相も延長する。それで両者をまとめてヘーリンク・ブロイエルの反射といっている。呼吸の切り換え反射(Shift-reflex)または呼吸運動の自動調節反射とも言われている。


「Hering-Breuer reflexes

The basic rhythm of respiration may be modified so that the breathing rate, depth, or both are changed. The reason for the modification is to change the rate of ventilation in response to body needs. Afferent impulses to the respiratory center from sev­eral receptor sources have been identified. The most noteworthy of these among many of the animals are the Hering-Breuer reflexes. The receptors for these reflexes are located in the lung and particularly in the bronchi and bronchioles.

There are two components to the Hering-Breuer reflexes: (i) the inspiratory-inhibitory or inflation reflex and (ii) the inspi­ratory or deflation reflex. The nerve impulses generated by the receptors of the Hering-Breuer reflexes are transmitted by fibers in the vagus nerves to the respiratory center. The effect of infla­tion-receptor stimulation is to inhibit further inspiration (stimu­lation of neurons in the DRG) and to stimulate expiratory nerves in the VRG. The inspiratory or deflation reflex component is activated at some particular point of deflation. The deflation receptors might not be activated to bring about the next inspira­tion during eupnea, but they might be active when deflation is more complete. Deflation reflex receptor stimulation can be elic­ited in anesthetized dogs by manual compression of the thorax, which is followed immediately by inspiration. Practical use of this reflex is appropriate for respiratory depressed or unrespon­sive animals to promote more adequate ventilation in the former or to initiate ventilation in the latter. During exercise when tidal volume and frequency are increased, it would appear that the deflation reflex is more active in order to hasten the beginning of the next inspiration.

In addition to the receptors located in the lung, there are other peripherally located receptors that assist in modifying the basic rhythm. Stimulation of receptors in the skin is excitatory to the respiratory center, and deeper than usual inspiration may be noted. Perhaps their excitation to the inspiratory area is through the apneustic center, inasmuch as inspiratory gasps are occasion­ally seen. Advantage is taken of these receptors when stimulation of breathing is desired in newborn animals. Rubbing the skin with a rough cloth often starts the breathing cycles. An assist to ventilation needed during muscle activity is obtained from receptors located in tendons and joints. They will be stimulated when muscle contraction causes movement. It is also believed that when impulses are directed to skeletal muscles from the cerebral cortex, collateral impulses go to the brainstem and stim­ulate the respiratory center to increase alveolar ventilation. This mechanism might account for increases in ventilation that are not explainable by mere observation of changes in carbon dioxide, oxygen, and hydrogen ion concentration in the blood.」 3



動物では、肺伸展受容体はヒトより強く作用し、膨張反射(気道圧が上がることに対する反応)には強く反応するようである。ここでいう「呼気時間の延長」が呼息筋系を刺激するかどうか明確には記述されていないが、膨張に対し強く吸息を抑制するのであれば、代わりに呼息中枢の活動を促進する可能性がある(以下、参考文献2 p343 図12-39を参照)。動物では(とくに犬でよく見られるが)、気流制限が生じている場合、同じ一回換気量でも末梢気道内抵抗が上昇し、それが肺伸展受容体を刺激し吸気抑制インパルスを強く生じ、結果として呼息筋運動を刺激する結果になると考えられる。



1. West JB. 呼吸の生理. pp125-126, In: 笛木隆三,小林節雄訳, eds. 第2版 ed. 東京: 医学書院, 1989.

2. 真島英信. 生理学. pp342-343, 東京: 文光堂, 1986.

3.     Reece WO. Regulation of Respiration. In: Reece WO, ed. Duke’s Physiology of Domestic Animals. 13th ed. Ames, IA: Wiley Blackwell, 2015;232-238.